
The "Islamic Family Steering Committee" consisting of  Sr Gadija Gaba (Social worker); Sr Maimunah Mosli (Social worker); Br Khaled Mustafa (Technical Advisor); Shiekh Magdy Mowafy (Religious Advisor); Br Yusuf Griffin (Legal Advisor) and Abdullah Mah (Technical Advisor) and with the support of Community leaders and Ulama is conducting a survey.  The survey's objective is to strive for  peace and harmony of the community through addressing the family related issues. This survey is Strictly Confidential. All data obtained shall be handled with utmost respect to privacy of all individuals. You are free to answer all, or part of the questions in this survey. All the information gathered will only be used to see if there is a need for a family support penal that will used Quraan and Sharia  to solve family issues and to guide families through the Australian system if goes beyond the penal abilities. Please help us to help you.

      Please tick where appropriate. Your help is most appreciated


  1. Your age group  20 –30                      31 – 40                         41 – 50                Above 50 
  2. What is your Gender?       Female                                                        Male      
  3. What is your marital status

Single                    Engaged          Married           Divorced              Widowed     

  1. Would you use an Islamic service to resolve your marital problems?

Yes                                     No                                                       I don't know        

  1. Would you support the idea of establishing an Islamic panel to deal with problems that face the community such as divorce,

domestic violence, family law etc?

Yes                                     No                                                      I don’t know         

  1. What would your concern be in using this kind of service, if it were available?

Privacy                              Accessibility                                      Panel’s member credibility 

  1. Do you believe that such a service is likely to work?   Yes                              No            

Other please name_______________________________________________________

  1. What would you find useful in such a service or what needs must be included?

Referrals to other service                       Islamic scholars must be on the panel          

  1. People with legal knowledge have to be on the panel        

Social worker must be on the panel               Other please name__________________________

  1. How do you see this service operate?( you can tick more than one option)

From an existing Islamic service                                                 independent   

compliant with the Australians laws                    Derive decisions strictly from Sharia laws

Other please name___________________________________________________________

  1. What days would you like this service operate ?

Week days                                   Week ends                             7 days 

  1. What times of the day would you like this service to operate?

Morning                              afternoon                                                       at night    

  1. How do you rate the need for this kind of service for Muslims.

Very important                 Important                    Unnecessary                           Waste of time 

  1. What issues should this service deals with? 

Domestic Violence                                   Family disputes                      Other_________________

  1. Would you prefer a panel made of:  Only males                  Only females           Both sexes  
  2. If you are faced with a family problem, where would you seek help from?

The Police             Community Centre (Muslim)                        Religious leader   

Friends and relatives                   Counseling                  Australian service    

     Other (please name)      ______________________________________________________

None. I would keep it to my self  

  1. If the answer to the last question was None, what are your reason(s)?

Shame/Embarrassment                                        Don't trust strangers      

I don't think they would understand my problem                      

I don't think they would be able to offer help/solution              

  1. Should this service become a reality, would you use it when the need arise? Yes               No    

Depends on the make up of such council                                    Don’t know                

  1. Many Moslem families face problems when they arrive in Australia. Do you agree with this statement?                       

Yes                                    No                   I don’t know              

  1. If you agree with the above statement, what are the reasons for such problems in your opinion?

Cultural shock                  Weak belief in Islam                         

Failure to adapt to new environment                              Feel of isolation                     

     Unemployment leads to frustration                      Other  ________________________________

Thank you for helping us  Please return this to :-

1) Fax: 92764511    Address: P.O.Box 645 Morley Business Centre WA

2) Fax: 93610539   Address: P.O Box 1398 East Victoria Park WA 6981