RE: Machine-slaughtered meat (2)

Answered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari




I'm unclear about the following statement.


>"This also serves as an answer to those who state that the organization certifying products as "Halal" is responsible, and thus, any sins for eating the chickens will go to the certifying organization. It is the responsibility of every individual that he/she investigates the authenticity of such statements and then consumes the meat. " <


I'm not sure how this measures with what you mentioned earlier when explaining the hadith about eating meat that you didn't witness being slaughtered when you said,


"In conclusion, the Hadith is referring to the situation where one has not seen the animal being slaughtered with his naked eye (as is the case with most of us), thus has to rely on the word of the one who is selling them. If there is no reason to doubt him, one may purchase the meat and eat of it. The Hadith is not referring to the situation where one knows for certain that the name of Allah was not pronounced at the time of slaughter."


If I'm relying on the word of the one selling it then why would I have to investigate it?  Unless you're stating that we should doubt the organizations that certify products Halal and thus investigate each product on an individual basis.




Wa alaykum assalam


Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,


Actually there are two separate things here and they should not be confused with one another.


What was mentioned in the explanation of the Hadith narrated by Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) “You pronounce the name of Allah on it and eat from it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 5507) that this refers to the situation where one does not know whether the Muslim selling you the meat pronounced the name of Allah or otherwise, thus one should take his word and consume of the meat…, that is the general and normal ruling.


If a Muslim informs you about a particular meat that it was slaughtered in complete accordance with the rules of Shariah, and there is no apparent reason to disbelieve or suspect him, then one should take his word and consider the meat to be Halal.


However, if there are genuine reasons for one to suspect the seller, such as one himself observed that the name of Allah was not pronounced at the time of slaughter or the seller is too careless in order to rely on his claim, then one must investigate himself and then consume of the meat.


Thus, when it was stated that “It is the responsibility of every individual that he/she investigates the authenticity of such statements and then consumes the meat” this is referring to the situation when one has genuine and reasonable grounds for doubt, such as in the case of machine-slaughter or when the seller is too careless and casual to be relied upon.


On the other hand, when it was said “the Hadith is referring to the situation where one has not seen the animal being slaughtered with his naked eye (as is the case with most of us), thus has to rely on the word of the one who is selling him. If there is no reason to doubt him, one may purchase the meat and eat of it…” this is referring to the situation where a Muslim informs you that the meat is Halal and there is no apparent reason to disbelieve or suspect him.


I hope I have been able to clear the matter for you.

Source: Hanafi Fiqh

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