This from another sister from another site ...........

                             Letter to Non-Muslims
     Whether you are thinking of converting, looking for information for a school project or are merely curious, welcome. Welcome to a world that
     may be familiar or unfamiliar, hated or loved, often misunderstand depending on who you are and what you have been taught but when
     analysed with pure intentions, it never fails to pleasantly surprise - regardless of who you are and what you've been taught. Islam is for every single human being that walks this earth - whether you are sick or healthy, rich or poor.

     If you are one who holds prejudices against this religion, someone who loves to hate and condemn..then, a renowned convert, Gary Miller has
     these words to say to you...

     There is no compulsion for man to accept truth. But it is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in
     finding out what the truth is. Islam teaches that God has given us the FACULTY OF REASON and therefore expects man to reason things out
     objectively and systematically for ourselves - to reflect and to
     question and to reflect.

     Nobody should press you to make a hasty decision to accept the
     teachings of Islam, for Islam teaches that man should be given the
     freedom to choose. Even when a man is faced with the truth,  there is no compulsion upon man to embrace it.

     But before you begin to form an opinion about Islam, ask yourself,
     whether your existing knowledge of Islam is thorough enough. Ask
     yourself whether that knowledge has been obtained through non-muslim third party sources who themselves have probably been exposed to only random glimpses of Islamic writings and have yet to reason on Islam
     objectively and systematically themselves.

|                                                          |
|      1. A medical encyclopedia published in Chicago,     |
|      Illinois, U.S.A., mentions Prophet Muhammad's name  |
|      (pbuh) among those famous people who were EPILEPTIC.|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|      2. A church publication in 1981 mentions the rise of|
|      Islam in its early Period in the following words:   |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|      "?The moral looseness of the new faith, the might of|
|      the sword, the fanaticism of the new religion, the  |
|      shrewdness of Muhammad, the hope of plunder, the    |
|      love of wealth, the idea of a sensual paradise have |
|      been among the causes for the spread of Islam which |
|      today embraces one sixth of the world's population."|
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|      3. A fourth grade history text book published in    |
|      U.S.A. has an article about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) |
|      with the title, "A CAMEL DRIVER".                   |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|      The same article tells children 9 to 10 years of age|
|      about the status of women in Islam in the following |
|      words: "they believe that women should be slaves to |
|      men and that they thought a man might have as many  |
|      wives as he wished, all at one time."               |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
|      The author tells children about the spread of Islam,|
|      "...very soon they began to force others to become  |
|      Moslems whether they wanted or not. Like the highway|
|      robber who says, "Money or your life", they gave    |
|      everyone a choice, "Money or your life, or be a     |
|      Muslim."                                            |

     Is it fair that one should form an opinion about the taste of a
     particular dish just by heresay from others who may themselves not
     necessarily have tasted the dish yet? Similarly, you should FIND OUT
     for yourself about Islam from RELIABLE SOURCES and not only taste
     it...digest it well before you form an opinion.

     That would be an INTELLECT approach to Islam.

     It is up to you to make the next move - to realise the truth, reality and purpose of your existance. In making your move, Islam continuously reassures you that your rights to freedom of choice and freedom to use that GOD GIVEN FACULTY OF THOUGHT AND REASON will be respected. Every man has that individual will. No one else can take away that will and force you to surrender to the will of God.

     You will have to find and make that decision yourself

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