


Quote-The Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, in its sixth session, held in Jeddah,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 17 - 23  Sha'baan,1410H (corresponding to 14  20 March, 1990),

Having studied the papers and recommendations on this subject which was one of the subjects discussed in the sixth medical and Fiqh seminar held in Kuwait, from Rabi-ul Awwal 23 to 26, 1410H (October 23  26, 1989 in cooperation between the Academy and the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences of Kuwait,

And having studied the thirteenth and fourteenth recommendations adopted in the thrid seminar of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences held in Kuwait from Sha'baan 20 to 23, 1417 H (April 18 21, 1987), on the issue of the disposal of fertilized ovules, and the fifth recommendation of the first seminar of the Islamic Organization for medical sciences, held in Kuwait from Sha'baan 11 to 14, 1403 H (May 24 to 27, 1982) on the same subject,

First:  In the light of the scientifically established possibility of preserving non-fertilized ovules for future use, only the number of ovules required each time for insemination must be fertilized to avoid the existence of surplus fertilized ovules.

Second: If a surplus of fertilized ovules exists in any way, it shall be left without medical care until the life of this surplus ends naturally.

Third: If is prohibited to inseminate fertilized ovules into another woman.  Precaution must be made to prevent the use of the fertilized ovules in an unlawful pregnancy.
Verily, Allah is All-Knowing – Unquote

(From the Book "Resolution and Recommendations of the Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy (1985-2000),Published by- Islamic Research and Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank,Jeddah. E-mail Address: Archives@ISDB.ORG.SA, Home page: HTTP://WWW.IRTI.ORG.SA)

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